Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Quote of the Day - September 10

 Quote of the Day - September 10: What usually deceives us is the appearance of good according to human reason, which never or rarely attains the divine (II:520).


Monday, September 9, 2024

Quote of the Day - September 9

 Quote of the Day - September 9: Do not let yourself get carried away by the impetuosity of your impulsive ideas (II:520).


Quote of the Day - September 8

 Quote of the Day - September 8: Let us abandon ourselves to the direction of God’s loving Providence, and we shall be safe from all sorts of inconveniences that our haste may draw down on us (II:517).


Quote of the Day - September 7

 Quote of the Day - September 7: Let us keep ourselves always dependent on God’s Providence since it pleases Him and He sees what is best for us (II:517).


Friday, September 6, 2024

Quote of the Day - September 6

 Quote of the Day - September 6: Be most cordial with everyone and spare nothing for the assistance of the sick members of the Company (II:499).


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Quote of the Day - September 5

 Quote of the Day - September 5: Let us abandon ourselves to the Providence of God and be on our guard against anticipating it (II:499).


Quote of the Day - September 4

 Quote of the Day - September 4: Grace has its moments (II:499).


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Quote of the Day - September 3

 Quote of the Day - September 3: What great missionaries you and I would be if we only knew how to animate souls with the spirit of the Gospel which should make them conformable to Jesus Christ (II:494).


Quote of the Day - September 2

 Quote of the Day - September 2: There is a great difference between being a Catholic and being an upright man (II:494).


Quote of the Day - September 1

 Quote of the Day - September 1: Excess in the practice of virtue is no less imperfect than the lack of it (II:471).


Quote of the Day - August 31

 Quote of the Day - August 31: Good living and the good odor of the Christian virtues put into practice draw the black sheep back to the right path and confirm Catholics on it (II:442).


Quote of the Day - September 10

  Quote of the Day - September 10:   What usually deceives us is the appearance of good according to human reason, which never or rarely att...