Thursday, October 31, 2019

Quote: October 31

"Do you think this will discredit you? We would have to keep ourselves shut up in a box to be exposed to some annoyance or other!"

~ St. Vincent de Paul

O Father, sometimes I am overly sensitive about the opinions of others. Never let these feelings prevent me from moving ahead and doing what is right.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Quote: October 30

"Though for a time we may have yielded to temptation, let us now take courage and conquer the enemy by doin violence to self."

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Forgive me, Lord, for the times I have yielded to temptation and sinned. Knowing that you love me so much you died to save me is my greatest motive for avoiding sin in the future.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Quote: October 29

“In the name of God, let us have ever more and more confidence in Him; let Him guide our little barque; if it is useful and pleasing to Him, he will save it from shipwreck and no matter how the importance and variety of the works of others threatens to swamp it, it will sail with all the greater security, amidst so many good ships, so long as it keeps straight on its own course, and does not cross their track by deviating from its own path.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

In these uncertain and confusing times, I place my confidence in you, Lord, to guide the work of my hands so it may be values driven and benefit those I  serve.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Quote: October 28

“Sometimes a work fails, not because a similar institution has been set up beside it and outdone it, but it has brought about its own ruin by making use of means contrary to the spirit of Christ in order to maintain itself in the first place.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

As I go about my work, Lord, help me to remember how important it is to do it ethically and with the right motives. The end, never does justify the means.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Quote: October 27

“You must look forward. At all event this life is worth possessing, if it were only because while we have it we are candidates for a better one.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Lord, help me to put away all the burdens of the post and the fears I have for the future. Take from me anything that prevents me from moving toward a greater union with you.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Quote: October 26

“Are you weary after all the happenings and difficulties of the day? Well, in the evening you have this beneficial refreshment which will give energy to all your actions.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

When cares wear me down, restore and renew me, Lord, through the reading of your Scripture.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Quote: October 25

“After a storm comes sunshine, and the good God, who casts down and raises up again, makes joy succeed affliction, and lets the effects of his power be in the measure of our hope founded on his goodness.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Dear God, I put my trust in you because you are my unfailing hope in time of need.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Quote: October 24

“Though truth and sincerity should ever guard our words, yet we should be careful never to offend others.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

Lord, I want to be honest and upright in my dealings with others. Keep from me all thoughts of vengeance or retaliation toward those who may have hurt me through a mistaken idea of speaking truth.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Quote: October 23

“We must not judge the designs of God according to human reason, although our puny minds incline us to do so.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

O God, sometimes your ways are a mystery to me, too great to comprehend. Let it be enough to know you love me and that I accept, even when I don’t understand.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Quote: October 22

“Naturally everyone wants the best for himself, whereas Our Lord wishes us to prefer the worst.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Instead of seeking the best for myself, Lord, teach me that only my very best is good enough for those I will be serving today.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Quote: October 21

“God can show his power by means of weak instruments, and his wisdom by ignorance. Blessed be his Holy Name!”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Lord, I thank you for the gift of this moment, this hour and this day. I consecrate to you all the good coming from my actions, whether great or small.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Quote: October 20

“All our happiness consists in fulfilling the will of God, and it is real wisdom to desire nothing but that.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

When I stay away, looking for happiness in wealth, power and prestige, lead me back to you. O Lord, because you alone can be me lasting joy.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Quote: October 19

“What ordinarily deceives us is the appearance of good according to human reason which never, or rarely, falls in with the Divine.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Help me, O Lord, to look beyond appearances and hold fast to what is honest and true.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Quote: October 18

“Let us mistrust desires for change. Who are we who seek to choose our path? Let us abandon ourselves to Divine guidance.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

Lord, when I find myself envying others who are following what appears to be some other, more attractive paths in life, remind me that your love will sustain me in my present situation which you have chosen for me. I place all my trust in you.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Quote: October 17

“Our Lord has no use for our knowledge or our good works if he does not possess our heart; and even this heart he does not wish if we do not give it to him when he asks.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, I praise you with all my heart this day. Accept the work of my hands and make it pleasing to you.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Quote: October 16

“Our Lord wants us to serve him with judgment; all the rest is indiscreet zeal.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

It is hard, Lord, to make correct judgments. Be with me at those time when issues are serious and solutions hard to reach. Lord, you are my surety.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Quote: October 15

“O Lord, keep us in thy way, direct us in thy paths, recall our wanderings make us to hear thy voice with gladness and to rejoice in thy salvation.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Heavenly Father, when will I learn that only in you will I find true peace and contentment.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Quote: October 14

“The will of God cannot be made known to us more clearly than when events happen without our concurrence or contrary to what we had asked.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

When things don’t go as I planned, Lord, help me to see with the eyes of faith, that what did occur, is indeed your plan.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Quote: October 13

“God is all powerful, while we are weak. We make virtue consist in what it is not; it cannot be found in excesses. How little the Son of God achieved; it was the apostles who had the greater results.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

When I am tempted to put too much stock in success and find myself not getting the recognition I think I deserve, Lord, let me find comfort in the examples of your life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Quote: October 12

“The holy will of God has assigned to us our present employment. We should perform our work with the fidelity of an ambassador executing the orders of the sovereign.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

When I find myself straying away from what I know in my heart is your will for me, Lord, remind me that crosses and difficulties are a fact of life and not to give in to such temptations. I rely on you to keep me faithful.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Quote: October 11

“As long as we are Christians we are obliged to support the ill-humor of our neighbor and try to sweeten it.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

When tempted to resent the moody behavior of my neighbor today, remind me, Lord, that tomorrow my neighbor will be putting up with me.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Quote: October10

“Have great trust in God … ask him to be always in your heart, in your words and in your actions and may everyone recognize that you are his.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, be with me throughout this day that all I think, do or say may identify me as belonging to you.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Quote: October 9

“Eternity! That voice to be everywhere understood. Eternity! To love and serve him only who is to be loved and eternally served and praised in heaven.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Heavenly, Father, when I experience the grief of losing those I love in death, it is my greatest consolation to know we will be reunited again in your blessed Eternity.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Quote: October 8

“I beg of you not to rush that affair, but let Divine Providence act.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, I am so impatient to move ahead that I neglect to seek your counsel, sometimes even acting rashly. Inspire me with the wisdom to know when to wait and when to act.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Quote: September 7

“We must know how to dispose of our time with order and method, otherwise nothing is done; or if we do work, we get through very little, because the work is not regular. Irregularity and inconsistency never obtain a good result.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

When I find myself going in a hundred directions without accomplishing what I should – help me, Lord, to concentrate on the essentials and not be distracted by what is not important.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Quote: October 6

“More is required of us than to go, to come, and to give; our intentions should be pure and thoroughly devoid of self-interest.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

Lord, remove from me the desire to please others or have myself noticed because of what I do in your service. Let the good deeds be done for you alone.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Quote: October 5

“Nature demands that trees be deeply rooted before they can bear fruit and this is a gradual process.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, help me to realize that my spiritual growth is the work of a lifetime, I must be deeply rooted in your for my work to become fruitful

Friday, October 4, 2019

Quote: October 4

“All ships are exposed to storms but are not thereby doomed to perish. May Our Lord be your Strength, your Protector, your Sanctifier.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Dear Father, be my ever present hope in the storms of life.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Quote: October 3

“Do we serve God in hope, looking to his promises, confiding in his love, seeking in his kingdom, and leaving the rest to him? Rejoice in hope, hope shall never be confounded.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

To live with hope, means to live in a state of complete trust in you, Lord. Free me from all that keeps me from relying on your promises.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Quote: October 2

“As I myself am a great sinner, I cannot reject those who have sinned if they have a good will.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, you have told me that I must forgive my brothers and sisters, as you have forgiven me. Forgive the stubbornness and pride which sometimes comes in the way of my overlooking the faults of those placed in my path. “Melt the frozen: and “warm the chill” of my heart today.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Quote: October 1

“God bestows a special blessing on the counsel we take in matters pertaining to his service.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

When I need help, Lord, don’t let my pride stand in the way of freely seeking the counsel I need.

Quote of the Day - April 26

  Quote of the Day - April 26:   You are, as it were, on a stage upon which one act of bitterness is capable of spoiling everything (I:110)....