Friday, August 30, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 30

 Quote of the Day - August 30: I no more trust in human means for divine ends than I do in the devil (II:433).

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 29

 Quote of the Day - August 29: The works of God are not sumptuous or showy (II:427).

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 28

 Quote of the Day - August 28: The downfall of most communities comes from the cowardice of superiors in not holding firm and in not purging them of the troublesome and incorrigible (II:422).

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 27

 Quote of the Day - August 27: Let us purge the company of worldly persons and those who are not pleasing in the eyes of God (II:421).

Monday, August 26, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 26

 Quote of the Day - August 26: Whoever contributes to union of hearts in a company binds it indissolubly to God (II:413).

Quote of the Day - August 25

 Quote of the Day - August 25: Charity is the cement that binds communities to God and persons to one another (II:413).

Quote of the Day - August 24

 Quote of the Day - August 24: We can find no more effective means of letting people see the beauty and holiness of the Catholic religion than by hospitality shown to the sick (II:407).

Friday, August 23, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 23

 Quote of the Day - August 23: When I said that you must be unwavering as to the end and gentle as to the means, I am describing to you the soul of good leadership (II:403).

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 22

 Quote of the Day - August 22: Do not be constrained by the majority opinion. Choose the one that seems best to you, or your own, provided you give an account of this (II:403).

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 21

 Quote of the Day - August 21: All that contributes to the ruin of charity comes from the evil spirit (II:401).

Quote of the Day - August 20

 Quote of the Day - August 20: How happy are those who give themselves to God without reserve to do the works Jesus Christ did and to practice the virtues He practiced (II:389).

Monday, August 19, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 19

 Quote of the Day - August 19: The poor common people are starving for the Word of God and are being allowed to die of hunger (II:369).

Quote of the Day - August 18

 Quote of the Day - August 18: The misery of the war is really cooling the enthusiasm of those who could make a contribution (II:358).

Quote of the Day - August 17

 Quote of the Day - August 17: Our Lord humbles in order to raise up and allows the suffering of interior and exterior afflictions in order to bring about peace (II:350).

Quote of the Day - August 16

 Quote of the Day - August 16: One must be firm and unchanging with regard to the end but gentle and humble as to the means (II:332).

Quote of the Day - August 15

 Quote of the Day - August 15: The maxims of Jesus Christ and the examples of His life are not misleading: they produce their fruit in due time (II:316).

Quote of the Day - August 14

 Quote of the Day - August 14: Never do anything out of human respect (II:315).

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 13

 Quote of the Day - August 13: God’s Divine Goodness asks that we never do good in any place to make ourselves look important (II:315).

Monday, August 12, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 12

 Quote of the Day - August 12: Good work, sooner or later speaks a much more favorable language than anything done for one’s own ostentation and show (II:311).

Quote of the Day - August 11

 Quote of the Day - August 11: If necessity urges us to make haste, then let it be slowly (II:310).

Quote of the Day - August 10

 Quote of the Day - August 10: The way to make a tree grow very tall is to lop off its branches (II:310).

Friday, August 9, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 9

 Quote of the Day - August 9: This Company, like Our Lord, takes spiritual and temporal care of the sick poor (II:306).

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 8

 Quote of the Day - August 8: God has preserved you as the apple of His eye (II:290).

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 7

 Quote of the Day - August 7: Would that God had rendered us worthy of spending our lives, as Our Lord did, for the salvation those poor souls so far removed from all assistance (II:288).

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 6

 Quote of the Day - August 6: When His Holiness chooses to send the Company to those countries, it will drop everything and go most willingly (II:288).

Monday, August 5, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 5

 Quote of the Day - August 5: Our Lord has turned to you for the sustenance of the poor (II:285).

Quote of the Day - August 4

 Quote of the Day - August 4: The spirit of God proceeds discreetly and always humbly (II:278).

Quote of the Day - August 3

 Quote of the Day - August 3: In the seminary there is more need of piety and passable knowledge with an understanding of chant, ceremonies, preaching and the teaching of catechism than of a great deal of doctrine (II:266).

Friday, August 2, 2024

Quote of the Day - August 2

 Quote of the Day - August 2: The spirit of the Mission must be to seek its greatness in lowliness and its reputation in the love of its abjection (II:265).

Quote of the Day - August 1

 Quote of the Day - August 1: Let us trust that Our Lord will bring about what He wishes to be done among us (II:237).

Quote of the Day - September 10

  Quote of the Day - September 10:   What usually deceives us is the appearance of good according to human reason, which never or rarely att...