Quote of the Day - November 30: Let us love God, but let it be with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brows (XI:32).
Quote of the Day - November 30: Let us love God, but let it be with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brows (XI:32).
Quote of the Day - November 29: Let us seek God alone and He will provide us with friends and with everything else, so much so that we will lack nothing (XI:31).
Quote of the Day - November 28: Now I see that the Holy Spirit is guiding the Church since such care is taken in the instruction and salvation of poor village people (XI:29).
Quote of the Day - November 27: How beautiful it is to see poor people if we consider them in God and with the esteem in which Jesus Christ held them (XI:26).
Quote of the Day - November 26: We are to run to the spiritual needs of our neighbor as if we were running to a fire (XI:25).
Quote of the Day - November 25: Simplicity is a virtue that makes us go straight to God and to the truth (XI:24).
Quote of the Day - November 24: Let us bless and thank God for entrusting to us the care of these poor people, for in serving them we see and touch the extent and diversity of human misery (XI:19).
Quote of the Day - November 23: When a person has personally experienced his own weaknesses and trials, he is more sensitive to the weaknesses of others (XI:18).
Quote of the Day - November 22: God uses the most inferior materials for the extraordinary workings of His grace (XI:10).
Quote of the Day - November 21: Don’t think that it’s a small thing to be devoted to the relief of those in distress (XI:17).
Quote of the Day - November 20: Let us thank God for having given this Community the care of the mentally ill and the incorrigible (XI:17).
Quote of the Day - November 19: If we make poor use of God’s graces by neglecting our primary duties, God will take these graces from us (XI:12).
Quote of the Day - November 18: The first step for a person who wants to acquire virtue is to become the master of his mouth (XI:8).
Quote of the Day - November 17: What a great thing a good priest is! What is there that a good priest can’t do? (XI:6).
Quote of the Day - November 16: Would we want to be in this world without pleasing God and procuring for Him His greater glory? (XI:2).
Quote of the Day - November 15: As soon as we empty ourselves of self, God will fill us with Himself (XI:2).
Quote of the Day - November 14: Charity is the paradise of communities and the soul of the virtues and it is humility that attracts and preserves them (XI:1).
Quote of the Day - November 13: Let us strive for humility, especially since the more humble we are, the more charitable we will be toward our neighbor (XI:1).
Quote of the Day - November 12: How long will we be so tender-hearted as not to dare to declare the happiness we have of being visited by God? (VIII:515)
Quote of the Day - November 11: Our rule prescribing one hour of mental prayer daily makes no exception for days of rest (VIII:442).
Quote of the Day - November 10: Happy will you be to be crucified with Our Lord for the glory of His Father and the salvation of the people, for you will also reign with Him for all eternity (VIII:414).
Quote of the Day - November 9: Continue to prefer embarrassment to praise, to mistrust yourself always, and to surrender yourself to God (VIII:379).
Quote of the Day - November 8: Be very grateful to God, thank Him often, and ask Him for mercy (VIII:375).
Quote of the Day - November 7: You have a thousand reasons to rejoice in God and to hope for everything from Him through Our Lord who dwells in you (VIII:374).
Quote of the Day - November 6: What a great treasure is a good Missionary and how few people in this world are willing to serve God and His Church in purity of faith, detachment from creatures, and self-abnegation (VIII:367).
Quote of the Day - November 5: The poor country folk are our lot (VIII:367).
Quote of the Day - November 4: All that God does is well done; without this faith, we would be inconsolable (VIII:355).
Quote of the Day - November 3: Nothing should stop a worker of the Gospel from practicing the virtues proper to his state and from seeking to advance everywhere and in all things the glory of his Master (VIII:329).
Quote of the Day - November 2: It is God who has called you to live of His life and to continue His work by the practice of charity (VIII:329).
Quote of the Day - November 1: It is God who has called you to live of His life and to continue His work by the practice of charity (VIII:329).
Quote of the Day - December 20: God be praised that people say the Company knows the things of God but knows men very little (IV:57). ht...