Friday, June 30, 2023

Quote of the Day - June 30

 Quote of the Day - June 30: Continue always to be a consolation and relief to everyone for the love of Our Lord; by this means you will make yourself very pleasing to Him (VII:31).

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Quote of the Day - June 29

 Quote of the Day - June 29: Perhaps Our Lord has permitted these causes of repugnance in order to preach to yourself and to protect you from the empty satisfactions we imperceptibly seek in our work (VII:21).

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Quote of the Day - June 28

 Quote of the Day - June 28: The ashes of these apostolic men will be the seed of a large number of good missionaries (VII:19).

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Quote of the Day - June 27

 Quote of the Day - June 27: May God’s good pleasure be always the peace and tranquility of our afflicted hearts (VII:15).

Monday, June 26, 2023

Quote of the Day - June 26

 Quote of the Day - June 26: Now we have many Missionaries in heaven. There is no room to doubt this since they all made the supreme sacrifice of their lives for charity and there is no greater love than to give one’s life for the neighbor (VII:15).

Quote of the Day - June 25

 Quote of the Day - June 25: Our Lord will not let this good work go unrewarded (VII:10).

Quote of the Day - June 24

 Quote of the Day - June 24: I ask Our Lord to give you a share of His humility and patience to overcome your difficulties (VII:2).

Friday, June 23, 2023

Quote of the Day - June 23

 Quote of the Day - June 23: I thank God for your willingness to do His Holy Will, no matter what the cost, with no regard for your own inclinations (VI:604).

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Quote of the Day - June 22

 Quote of the Day - June 22: This is how God usually works: He separates and then reunites; He distances and then brings close together; He takes away and then gives back; lastly, He destroys and restores, leaving nothing permanent in this life (VI:569).

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Quote of the Day - June 21

 Quote of the Day - June 21: May God grant us the grace to abandon ourselves complete into the arms of his Divine Goodness (VI:545).

Quote of the Day - June 20

 Quote of the Day - June 20: The practice of charity, such as assisting the suffering members of Our Lord, is to be preferred to all other exercises (VI:514).

Quote of the Day - June 19

 Quote of the Day - June 19: Things will be as God pleases; from the ashes of these servants of His, I hope He will create a large number of perfect Missionaries (VI:506).

Quote of the Day - June 18

 Quote of the Day - June 18: Put your trust in the grace of God, who will not allow you to sink under the weight of things if you use moderation (VI:497).

Quote of the Day - June 17

 Quote of the Day - June 17: Let us strive to conform our wills to God’s will and peace of mind will be one of the many great benefits that will result from it (VI:493).

Quote of the Day - June 16

Quote of the Day - June 16: Happy are they who abandon themselves to God’s guidance, confide in His goodness, and remain at peace in the midst of storms (VI:449).

Quote of the Day - June 15

 Quote of the Day - June 15: A weathercock is no more subject to the way the wind blows than the mind of man is to exterior agitations, by which he is drawn now to one side and then to another; God permits this to try good persons and to strengthen them in Him (VI:449).

Quote of the Day- June 14

 Quote of the Day- June 14: God be blessed for having willed all earthly things to be uncertain and perishable so that we may seek in Him alone the stability of our plans and affairs because things then turn out well for us (VI:439).

Quote of the Day - June 13

 Quote of the Day - June 13: It seems to me that Our Lord is causing you and the acts of patience and conformity to His Will you practice to be regarded with joy by His heavenly court (VI:428).

Quote of the Day - June 12

 Quote of the Day - June 12: God intends to make a good saint of you in paradise, since He is leading you along the way of the cross (VI:428).

Quote of the Day - June 11

 Quote of the Day - June 11: How fortunate you are to be the instrument of Our Lord in forming good priests (VI:413).

Quote of the Day - June 10

 Quote of the Day - June 10: May this same Lord be pleased to enlighten us with His Spirit so we can see the darkness of our own mind and submit it to those whom He has designated to guide us (VI:408).

Friday, June 9, 2023

Quote of the Day - June 9

 Quote of the Day - June 9: I ask Our Lord to be your wisdom and your governance so that all will go well with you and by you, in accord with whatever God may ask (VI:390).

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Quote of the Day - June 8

 Quote of the Day - June 8: May our Lord be pleased to preserve us from the company of a person who can do the slightest harm to our spirit (VI:369).

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Quote of the Day--June 7

 Quote of the Day--June 7: Great prudence is required in order not to offend anyone and great charity and humility must be exercised so as to truly edify the congregation (VI:344).

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Quote of the Day-June 6

 Quote of the Day-June 6: God knows what is best for us, and He will give it to us at the right time if, like children who have perfect trust in such a good father, we abandon ourselves to Him (VI:331).

Monday, June 5, 2023

Quote of the Day – June 5

 Quote of the Day – June 5: This maxim of neither asking nor refusing anything, which keeps us dependent on God and His guidance, can only be pleasing to God, especially because it destroys human sentiments that, under pretext of zeal and of the glory of God, lead us often to undertake works that he neither inspires nor blesses (VI:331).

Quote of the Day – June 4

 Quote of the Day – June 4: May it please God to maintain this zeal in the Company and to strengthen you more and more so that your zeal, like a tree of life, may always bear fruit of an eternal duration (VI:308).

Quote of the Day – June 3

 Quote of the Day – June 3: May God be pleased to strengthen you with His grace so that, by sanctifying your soul more and more, He will also sanctify, through it, the souls of the people (VI:257).

Friday, June 2, 2023

Quote of the Day – June 2

 Quote of the Day – June 2: I ask Our Lord, whom you serve so effectively, to be Himself your strength so that you may sustain with vigor and merit the exterior and interior trials you are undergoing and receive the reward promised to those who persevere. This reward is so precious that, in comparison, the suffering of this life seemed to the saints to be only diversions (VI:213).

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Quote of the Day – June 1

 Quote of the Day – June 1: If there is any good in us and in our manner of living, it comes from God, and it is up to God to manifest it, if he thinks it advisable. As for us, however, we are poor, ignorant, sinful men, who should keep ourselves hidden, as being useless for any good and unworthy of consideration (VI:199).

Quote of the Day - January 15

  Quote of the Day - January 15:  How pleased Our Lord is with your concern for the relief of His suffering members (IV:202).