Friday, March 31, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 31:

 Quote of the Day – March 31: How do we know whether God angered by the disorder of His own children of the Church, may not intend to transfer it among the unbelievers? (V:425).

Quote of the Day – March 30:

 Quote of the Day – March 30: With the strong sustaining the weak, everything would go better (V:423).

Quote of the Day – March 29:

 Quote of the Day – March 29: If God were pleased to give this spirit of support and adaptation to each individual, what great union and advantages would this procure for the entire body because we would regard the interest of others as our own! (V:423).

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 28

 Quote of the Day – March 28: We are obliged, as Christians, to bear with our neighbor’s ill humor and try to temper it (V:412).

Monday, March 27, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 27

 Quote of the Day – March 27: You should at least stifle the outbursts of your own will in those feeling of agitated nature so as not to give in to it in its troubled state for fear of aggravating the evil instead of curing it (V:410).

Quote of the Day – March 26

 Quote of the Day – March 26: The works of God have their moment; God’s providence brings them about at that time and neither sooner nor later (V:400).

Quote of the Day – March 25

 Quote of the Day – March 25: Be assured that it is not improper for priests of the Mission to demand justice for poor slaves so that they may be given what is being held back from them (V:398).

Friday, March 24, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 24

 Quote of the Day – March 24: We will always be ready to render service in the way our Rule allows: to go and instruct poor country folk, hear their general confessions, reconcile them with one another, settle their disputes, and organize assistance for the poor who are sick corporally as well as spiritually, by establishing the Confraternity of Charity (V:373).

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 23

 Quote of the Day – March 23: Young plants cannot produce fruits too soon, and if they do, wise gardeners pluck them off and unburden them of them (V:361).

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 22

 Quote of the Day – March 22: I am no longer good for anything but to make up for lost time and prepare myself for the judgment of God. How happy I will be if I can find favor in His sight (V:343).

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 21

 Quote of the Day – March 21: How I wish that the members of the Mission who are together would do everything in conjunction with one another! This is how friends act, and how much more so should two brothers who live together (V:333).

Monday, March 20, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 20

 Quote of the Day – March 20: We must humble ourselves in our poverty (V:329).

Quote of the Day – March 19

 Quote of the Day – March 19: Let us give ourselves to God as best we can, expecting only trials and sufferings from our own men, with perfect assurance that they will not be lacking to us if we are faithful to seeing that the Rules and holy customs of our vocation are observed (V:324).

Quote of the Day – March 18

 Quote of the Day – March 18: Consider before God whether the aversions some persons have toward the vows do not spring from human nature, which is always seeking freedom (V:321).

Friday, March 17, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 17

 Quote of the Day – March 17: As far as poverty is concerned the Church instructs that, after using what they need for food and clothing, they should give the surplus to the poor (V:320).

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 16

 Quote of the Day – March 16: It is a maxim of the saints that, when, after much prayer and consultation, action has been taken in an important matter involving the glory of God and the welfare of the Church, it must be believed that it is God’s will that this be done (V:316).

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 15

 Quote of the Day – March 15: Now the state most pleasing to God is that of perfection, the one Our Lord embraced on earth and has the Apostles embrace it. It consists, among other means, of living in poverty, chastity, obedience and stability in one’s vocation (V:315).

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 14

 Quote of the Day – March 14: Those whom Providence has called to be the first members of a nascent Company usually strive to put it in the state most pleasing to God (V:315).

Monday, March 13, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 13

 Quote of the Day – March 13: God has been pleased to compose this Little Company of persons of lowly condition and average intelligence. By his mercy, however, they have good will, which, by His grace, is increasing in them daily (V:267).

Quote of the Day – March 12

 Quote of the Day – March 12: It is better to look on in wonder and remain silent at the sight of so many and such incomparable acts of kindness (V:263).

Quote of the Day – March 11

Quote of the Day – March 11: Life is short; its end is soon in view and God’s judgment is fearsome to those leaving this life, of whom it is said: “They have not fulfilled their obligations; that is why the Lord has placed them among those who commit iniquity” (V:257).

Friday, March 10, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 10

 Quote of the Day – March 10: We must not toy with promising things to God and then failing to keep our word to Him (V:256).

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 8

 Quote of the Day – March 8: Life is short, the reward is great (V:220).

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 7

 Quote of the Day – March 7: Life is short, the reward is great (V:220).

Monday, March 6, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 5

 Quote of the Day – March 5: Our Lord is pleased to deprive us of temporal good; may it please His Divine goodness to give us spiritual ones (V:217).

Quote of the Day – March 4

 Quote of the Day – March 4: Act like those good pilots who, finding themselves tossed about by the storm, redouble their courage and turn the prow of their ships against the most furious waves of the sea, which seem to rise to engulf them (V:211).

Friday, March 3, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 3

 Quote of the Day – March 3: I cannot restrain myself and must tell you quite simply that this gives me renewed, greater desires to be able, in the midst of my petty infirmities, to go and finish my life near a bush, working in some village. I think I would be very happy to do so, if God were pleased to grant me this grace (V:204).

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 2

 Quote of the Day – March 2: How many open doors to serve Our Lord! Ask Him to send workers into His vineyard (V:180).

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Quote of the Day – March 1

 Quote of the Day – March 1: You have enough to put up with from outsiders and from your duties without creating new trials within the community. These are the most distressing ones and would make of your house a little purgatory, whereas love will make of it a little paradise (V:169).

Quote of the Day - September 6

  Quote of the Day - September 6:   Be most cordial with everyone and spare nothing for the assistance of the sick members of the Company (I...