Thursday, December 30, 2021

Quote of the Day – December 30

 Quote of the Day – December 30:   The Church has no worse enemies than priests. It is through priests that heretics have prevailed, vice has reigned, and ignorance has set up its throne among the poor people (XII:76).

Quote of the Day – December 29

 Quote of the Day – December 29:   How much our hearts should be on fire with love for this ministry of assisting poor people and for devoting ourselves earnestly to it because the need is so great and God expects this of us (XII:73).

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Quote of the Day – December 28

 Quote of the Day – December 28:   Our mission is to make God known to poor persons; to announce Jesus Christ to them; to tell them that the kingdom of heaven is at hand and that it is for persons who are poor (XII:71).

Monday, December 27, 2021

Quote of the Day – December 27

 Quote of the Day – December 27:   The more perfectly we practice virtue, the more pleasing we are to God (XII:69).

Quote of the Day – December 24

 Quote of the Day – December 24:   Those suffering from illness in the Company are the blessing of the Company (XII:26).

Quote of the Day – December 23

 Quote of the Day – December 23:   What is the meaning of the word missionary? It means a person who is sent (XII:24).

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Quote of the Day – December 21

 Quote of the Day – December 21:   God is with the simple and humble; He assists them, blesses their work, blesses their undertakings (XII:21).

Quote of the Day – December 22

 Quote of the Day – December 22:   Missioners are those who have God alone in view, their own salvation and that of their neighbor; those who have no other attachment than the one that unites them more closely to God (XII:23).

Monday, December 20, 2021

Quote of the Day – December 20

 Quote of the Day – December 20:   O human wretchedness! O cursed pride! How much trouble you cause! (XII:21).

Friday, December 17, 2021

 It was a moment I think most of us dreaded. In the later stages of formation some 60 years ago I remember hearing the words “Mr. Freund please.”

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Quote of the Day – December 16

 Quote of the Day – December 16:   We must set ourselves aside in order to be in communion with God (XII:13).

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

 Quote of the Day – December 15:   We have all been called by God to work on a masterpiece (XII:13).

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

 Quote of the Day – December 14:   If the Church’s ministers are good and they do their duty, all will go well (XII:13).

Monday, December 13, 2021

 Quote of the Day – December 13:   I hope that your past fidelity to these rules and your patience in waiting so long for them will obtain for you from the goodness of God the grace to observe them with greater ease in the future (XII:10).

Friday, December 10, 2021

 Quote of the Day – December 10:   We, too, can have our holy faith respected by living according to God (XI:395).

Thursday, December 9, 2021

 Quote of the Day – December 9:   Let’s work, let’s work, let’s go to the assistance of the poor country people who are waiting for us (XI:391).

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Quote of the Day – December 8

 Quote of the Day – December 8:   It is not enough to do good, to give alms… we must in addition do it in the Spirit of Our Lord, in the way Our Lord did it on earth, and purely for the glory of God (XI:389).

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Quote of the Day – December 7

 Quote of the Day – December 7:   We will never be fit to do God’s work if we do not have profound humility (XI:388).

Monday, December 6, 2021

 Quote of the Day – December 6:   If we do not have humility, we have nothing (XI:387).

Friday, December 3, 2021

 Quote of the Day – December 3:   Reflect on the worth of an individual animated by the Spirit of God (XI:369).

Thursday, December 2, 2021

 Quote of the Day – December 2:   The blood of Christians has been the seed of Christianity throughout the world (XI:368).

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Quote of the Day – December 1:   How wonderful are the ways of God and how incomprehensible they are to us! (XI:367).

Quote of the Day - September 6

  Quote of the Day - September 6:   Be most cordial with everyone and spare nothing for the assistance of the sick members of the Company (I...