Tuesday, November 30, 2021

St. Vincent de Paul Orlando: Giving Tuesday
November 30, 2021
"Those whom you serve should feel the efforts of your kindheartedness."
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Welcome to #GivingTuesday!

Today is a day when non-profit organizations, like St. Vincent de Paul Orlando, reach out to promote the work they do and ask for support.

Thanks to your continued prayers and generosity, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul helps keep the lights on and people in their homes across nine Central Florida counties.

We need your support to help lift people struggling in poverty and we ask you make a donation in any amount to help us serve more of our brothers and sisters in need.

It's easy to make a tax-deductible donation online at: www.svdporlando.org

Or, you may mail your donation to: 
St. Vincent de Paul Orlando
770 S. Orange Blossom Trail
Apopka, FL 32703

Also, please consider helping us through a year-end vehicle donation (www.svdporlando.org) or by calling our Donation Hotline (888.986.4483) to schedule a FREE pickup of large items like furniture or appliances. Your donated items to our Central Florida Thrift Stores help us fill the Vouchers we provide to families in need.

Thank you for your generous support through one or more of the ways mentioned above and for helping all of us with St. Vincent de Paul Orlando help others.

Trace Trylko
Executive Director - St. Vincent de Paul Orlando
A Christmas Prayer
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for the countless blessings you have poured into my life.
As I await Your blessed birth this season, help me to see You in the face of the poor whom I meet.
May I rush to make room in my heart and my home, welcoming those in need with love and great joy, just as I would welcome You.
Give me a spirit that ever more readily sees and serves You by seeing and serving others - especially the poorest amongst us.
In your name, our Infant Savior, I pray.
St. Vincent de Paul Orlando
770 S. Orange Blossom Trail
Apopka FL 32703
407.880.3126 | svdporlando.org

 Quote of the Day – November 30:   We must not let difficulties shake us; the glory of the Eternal Father and the efficacy of the Word and Passion of His Son are at stake (XI:366).


Monday, November 29, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 29

 Quote of the Day – November 29:   Let us give ourselves to God to go throughout the world to carry His holy gospel (XI:365).


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 24

 Quote of the Day – November 24:   God asks for our good will, a firm, genuine disposition to seize every opportunity of serving Him (XI:357).


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 23

 Quote of the Day – November 23:   The Little Company strives to serve persons who are poor, the well-beloved of God (XI:349).


Monday, November 22, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 22

 Quote of the Day – November 22:   Let us acknowledge before God that the poor are our lords and masters and that we are unworthy of rendering them our little services (XI:349). 


Friday, November 19, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 19

 Quote of the Day – November 19:   The depravity of the ecclesiastical state is the principal cause of the ruin of God’s Church (XI:279).


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 18

 Quote of the Day – November 18:   God does nothing without some good purpose (XI:276).


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 17

 Quote of the Day – November 17:   Humility is in no way contrary to magnanimity (XI:273).


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 16

 Quote of the Day – November 16:   Let’s ask God to give the Company this spirit, this heart, this heart that causes us to go everywhere (XI:264).


Monday, November 15, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 15

 Quote of the Day – November 15:   Let’s be like that little peasant who was carrying a sack and, seeing his master kneel down to pray did the same, with his little sack on his back. When asked what he was doing, he said, “I’m asking God to do what you’re requesting of him; I’m a poor idiot who doesn’t know how […]


Friday, November 12, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 12

 Quote of the Day – November 12:   Let us look upon our imperfections as a special mercy of God (XI:119).


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 11

 Quote of the Day – November 11:   What seems foolish and contemptible in the eyes of human beings is wisdom in the sight of God! (XI:118).


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 10

 Quote of the Day – November 10:   Isn’t it a great mercy of God to welcome us back into His grace after we had rebelled against Him (XI:118).


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 9

 Quote of the Day – November 9:   We have to study in such a way that love corresponds to knowledge (XI:116).


Monday, November 8, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 8

 Quote of the Day – November 8:   How hard it is to find an individual who is really knowledgeable and truly humble (XI:116).


Friday, November 5, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 5

 Quote of the Day – November 5:   Let us live together in great charity and friendliness (XI:99).


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 4

 Quote of the Day – November 4:   Doing good isn’t everything; it must be done well, in imitation of Our Lord (XI:43).


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 3

 Quote of the Day – November 3:   Let us love God, but let it be with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brows (XI:32). 


Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Quote of the Day – November 2

 Quote of the Day – November 2:   Let us seek God alone and He will provide us with friends and with everything else, so much so that we will lack nothing (XI:31).


Quote of the Day – November 1

 Quote of the Day – November 1:   Now I see that the Holy Spirit is guiding the Church since such care is taken in the instruction and salvation of poor village people (XI:29).


Quote of the Day - September 6

  Quote of the Day - September 6:   Be most cordial with everyone and spare nothing for the assistance of the sick members of the Company (I...