Quote of the Day – August 31: Continue to give God all the affection of your heart, the applications of your mind, and the work of your hands (VIII:65).
Quote of the Day – August 31: Continue to give God all the affection of your heart, the applications of your mind, and the work of your hands (VIII:65).
Quote of the Day – August 30: The more persons living in religion distance themselves from poverty, the greater difficulty they will have in maintaining themselves (VIII:49).
Quote of the Day – August 27: I admit that virtue is accompanied by two vices: excess and default (VIII:36).
You are also asked to help the poor people to be able to earn their living in this season by supplying them with implements to gather in the harvest (VIII:27).
Quote of the Day – August 25: May Our Lord Himself be your strength and your life as He is to all those whose food is His love (VIII:20).
Quote of the Day – August 23: I praise God for the zeal He gives you for the advancement of His glory and the public good (VIII:13).
Quote of the Day – August 19: One mistake should not be corrected by another (VII:631).
Quote of the Day – August 18: How very precious is a good missionary! God must raise him up and fashion him; that is the work of His omnipotence and His great goodness (VII:626).
Quote of the Day – August 17: If you want to have peace of heart and a thousand blessings from God, do not listen any longer either to your own judgment or your will (VII:589).
Quote of the Day – August 16: May God, in His mercy, be pleased to fill all of us with faith, charity, and zeal for rendering some small service to His Church! Happy are those who, on these foundations, hope in God and consume themselves for charity (VII:575).
Quote of the Day – August 13: Let us open wide our hearts and wills in His presence, not deciding to do this or that until God has spoken (VII:532).
Quote of the Day – August 12: Let us offer ourselves to God to do and suffer all things for His glory and the building up of His Church (VII:531).
Quote of the Day – August 11: Let us consider ourselves unworthy of being used by God and of having others think of us, and then we will be well off (VII:531).
Quote of the Day – August 10: We do not want to choose our own ways but to walk in those it will please God to set down for us (VII:531).
Quote of the Day – August 9: We must be satisfied with making the best use of the few talents God has given us without troubling ourselves about having greater or more extensive ones (VII:531).
Quote of the Day – August 6: Let us ask Our Lord to send good workers into His vineyard and to perfect those who are already in the Company (VII:491).
Quote of the Day – August 5: The more we see our own inadequacy, let us think that we have even more than we deserve (VII:483).
Quote of the Day – August 4: I ask God to be your strength so that you may walk to the end of the path He has marked out for you to your last end, which is God (VII:480).
Quote of the Day – August 3: May God be pleased to strengthen you and to establish great union among you; for you will be even stronger if you are all closely united (VII:473).
Quote of the Day – August 2: You will attain happiness if you practice faithfully humility, gentleness, and charity toward the poor (VII:471).
Quote of the Day - December 20: God be praised that people say the Company knows the things of God but knows men very little (IV:57). ht...