Thursday, December 31, 2020

Quote: December 31

 "Like thrifty housekeepers, we should turn all things to our real profit; let us not seek our consolation in creatures nor in self-gratifications, but let us go straight to God by the path of interior, and exterior mortification, traced out for us by his Divine Son."

~ St. Vincent de Paul


I will make better use of the sacrament of reconciliation as a positive means to correct my faults.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Quote: December 30

 "You will practice charity better by preserving yourself to serve your neighbor for a long time than by wearing yourself out in a short time over the salvation of a few."

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Dear Father, guide me when I am tempted to neglect my health and fail to take prudent measuers to safeguard it. You are my strength and I rely on you.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Quote: December 29

 "God exacts great purity of intention from those who serve him; they should guard most carefully against vain glory."

~ St. Louise de Marillac


Keep far from me, Lord, the desire to be appreciated for everything I do. Instead, today I will go out of my way to thank someoe I usually take for granted.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Quote: December 28

 "Sooner or later, good works speak a far more advantageous language than whatever is done for ostentation and display."

~ St. Vincent de Paul


O Lord, may I find true contentment in working quietly, knowing that my only true reward is in knowing it is done for your glory.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Quote: December 27

 "Envy begins to appear here regarding my employment you expected. Charity, humility and patience will dispel this cloud, I hope."

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Whenever I am overlooked or disregarded, Lord, keep me from all thoughts of self-pity or regret. Your love will preserve me in peace.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Quote: December 26

 "Though our service be rejected, let us believe that whatever happens is for the best. Do we not know that God draws his own glory from contempt?"

~ St. Louise de Marillac


Rejection is never easy to accept, especially when it comes from those I have trusted. When this happens, be with me Jesus and help me work through the resentment I may feel and regain my peace of mind.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Quote: December 25

 "The joy of Christmas is not a joy made up of childhood memories, of Christian customs piously retained; it is a profound and ever new joy, a joy of today."

~ Reverand Joseph Jamet, CM


Lord Jesus, can I ever thank you enough for the tremendous gift of redemption you obtatined for me by becoming incarnate.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Quote: December 24

 "Give me a many of prayer, and he will be capable of doing all things."

~ St. Vincent de Paul


When I am so bogged down with the pressures of work and there are no possible solutions to problems I face, inspire me to pause and lift my burden to you who promised to make it light.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Quote: December 23

 "We must strive to soften our hearts and make them sensitive to the suffering and worries of the neighbor."

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, create in me a sensitive heart, always open to those who need a listening ear or a helping hand.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Quote: December 22

 “While I warn you of your faults, my own come before my eyes!”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Whenever I must correct anyone, Lord, keep me before me my own faults and let me do it in the same way I myself would like to be treated.

Quote: December 21

 “Let us leave to God our justification.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac


When I am unjustly criticized, instead of becoming defensive about it, I will leave the justification to you, Lord.

Quote: December 20

 “God is very good to tolerate me!”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


How long will it take, Lord, for me to realize that your love for me is unconditional! I am grateful for your presence within me.

Quote: December 19

 “Beg God to grant us a genuine spirit of mercy which is the spiritual characteristic of God.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, when I am tempted to be stubborn and unrelenting, remind me of the times you showed you boundless mercy in forgiving my sins. Help me to imitate your example.

Quote: December 18

 “We must go to God straight as an arrow.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, it has been said that a prayer to you pierces the heavens. All the aspects of my life, no matter how small or insignificant are a concern to you. How grateful I am for all this love.

Quote: December 17

 “Try to serve Jesus and make resolutions to do your best. Try, when you think anything will make you angry, to reflect: Is this preparing me to receive my Jesus?”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


When I am tempted to speak in anger, Lord inspire me to think of the consequence because breaking with charity is no small thing. If I should fail to do this, let me be the first to ask forgiveness.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Quote: December 16

 “Let us depend entirely on God, full of confidence that no matter what men do or say, all will turn to our good. Yes, should the whole world unite for our destructions, nothing can happen to us but by the permission of God, in whom we have placed our whole trust.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, it is being brought home to me that even my best intentions and motives are criticized, I must be open to accept whatever truth there may be in those words and then trust the rest to you.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Quote: December 15

 “Kindness is the key to hearts.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Oh God, be present in all the relationships and interactions of my day. Above all, help me to be gentle in dealing with others.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Quote: December 14

 “We should strive to model our actions on those of the Blessed Virgin, for the greatest honor we can offer her is to imitate her virtues.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac


Blessed Mother, I rededicate myself to you today, asking that you keep me from all harm. Obtain all the graces I need to lead a holy life totally committed to Jesus, your Son.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Quote: December 13

 “Bitterness never served any purpose than to embitter.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Remove from my heart, O Lord, all traces of hatred and resentment when wrongfully treated, remembering that they service no purpose but to harm me and displease you.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Quote: December 12

 “Clothe yourselves with the dispositions which animated your Master. When he approached a sick person, it was always in the name of the Father, and by the virtue of the Holy Spirit; thus you should always bring with you the goodness and tenderness, the love and mercy of the Father and in your speech and actions remain dependent on the guidance of the Holy Spirit.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, keep me from acting from purely human motives, remembering that whenever I see a poor person, I see you, or if I give to the poor, it is you, Jesus, who receives the gift.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Quote: December 11

 “Never be hurried by anything whatever, and nothing can be more pressing than the necessity for your peace before God – commit everything to him that passes through your hands; you will help others more by the peace and tranquility of your heart than by any eagerness or care you can bestow on them.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


Peace and tranquility are infectious. I know it is possible to experience this state of heart even when the outcome of a situation has been bleak. Committing all to you ahead of time can make that possible, Lord.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Quote: December 10

 “I have always shunned performing good deeds in one place to gain credit in another.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Heavenly Lord, preserve me from that way of the world which is always seeking its own gain for actions performed for others.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Quote: December 9

 “Remember, roses cannot be gathered except amid thorns.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, it has been said that we appreciate most things for which we work the hardest. May no fear of obstacles deter me from doing your will today.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Quote: December 8

 “We should overcome our sensitiveness, paying little attention as to whether we are addressed or not, or to the degree of affability with which we are treated, but let us try to gain all hearts by cordiality and support.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac


Lord, no matter how crowded my schedule may be, help me to have a positive attitude toward everyone I meet today, avoiding abruptness and impatience that will do nothing to draw them to you.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Quote: December 7

 “Charity is not charity if unaccompanied by justice or if it suffers us to do more than we can reasonably perform.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Make me, O Lord, not only more sensitive to the silent cries of my poor and downtrodden brothers and sisters, but above all, their need to be heard and justly treated.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Quote: December 6

 “Indiscreet zeal is not good … people often spoil good works by rushing ahead and by acting according to their own inclinations which, contrary to common sense, make them think that the good they see to be done is feasible and timely, although this is not so; their error is recognized in the resulting lack of success.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


O God, sometimes I discourage others by holding to my own ideas because I think they are superior to theirs. Forgive me for this, and give me the humility to listen and be open to others.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Quote: December 5

 “I must jog along the allotted path through all its windings and weariness until it brings me home where all tears shall be wiped away, and sorrow and sighing be heard no more. In the meanwhile, Courage!”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


My way to your, Lord, has often been hampered by attachment to the many “idols” in my life which we serve to distract me from where you want me to go. Give me the courage to identify these “idols” and root them out of my life.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Quote: December 4

 “Raise your soul to God and listen to what He will tell you on the subject.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


When decision-making is particularly difficult today, Lord, I will take a few moments to seek your counsel.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Quote: December 3

 “If the love of God is a fire, zeal is its flame; if love is a sun, zeal is its ray.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


O God, may the work of my hands be done with enthusiasm as well as efficiency. Help me give all my work today that extra touch of fervor.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Quote: December 2

 “The world sometimes censures us for not conforming to certain of its requirements; but it is edified when it discovers that we are influenced by principles of virtue, whilst it justify condemns those who are gained over by its false applause.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac


Heavenly Lord, give me the courage to be more assertive in defending my personal values and the teaching of my faith when challenged to do so.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

December: 1

 “It does not suffice for me to love God if my neighbor does not love him.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, you have graced me with your love in so many countless ways. Make me aware of opportunities to make you known to those who don’t know you.

Quote of the Day - October 16

  Quote of the Day - October 16:   Things have to be done gradually. Grace has its small beginnings and its progress (III:157). https://us1....