Monday, August 31, 2020

Quote: August 31

 “The thought that Our Lord himself had much to suffer from his disciples will greatly encourage you, for the more our sorrows resemble his, the more pleasing we are to him. If this were not my consolation, what would become of me?”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


When those close to me fail to understand or support, it is comforting to know you suffered the same pain, Lord. At such times your presence consoles and encourages me.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Quote: August 30

 “That peace which is the portion of the chosen servants of God is seldom unmixed with interior struggles.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


Even in the midst of the most painful experiences of my life, knowing you love me and are within me, Lord, gives me the greatest consolation and sense of peace.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Quote: August 29

 “We are living at a time when one must not incur useless expense. Public distress surrounds us on all sides. It is feared that it may overtake us; and, even should we be spared, compassion should urge us to do all we can for those who suffer.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Today’s atmosphere of tremendous change and tight budgeting demands a great deal of creativity to maintain our work for the poor and suffering. Gift me, Lord, with the creativity I need to continue that work in spite of the obstacles I face.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Quote: August 28

 “The good God will not fail to supply your need since it concerns his service, and he will do it one way or another.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Dear Lord, you are so generous with your gifts and never fail to meet the needs of those who call on you. I praise and bless you for this.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Quote: August 27

 “Teach poor girls as much as you possibly can, and remember that the most necessary thing of all is whatever concerns the knowledge of God and his love.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac


Imparting knowledge to children can be very challenging. Lord, let me also experience the joy of seeing them grow in grace and love for you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Quote: August 26

 “ … we must give them a life worthy of the name.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


The poor need so much more than food and clothing. Dignity and self esteem are much harder to nurture but are nonetheless essential in breaking the circle of poverty. Today, Lord, I will make use of the opportunities of relieving whatever forms of poverty I may encounter.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Quote: August 25

 “We should not indeed be doing enough for God and our neighbor if we supplied the sick merely with nourishment and medicine, and if we did not assist them with the spiritual services we owe them.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, let me find ways to provide for the spiritual needs of the poor I serve or at least to support those who can directly supply them.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Quote: August 24

 “It is not the most learned who bear the most fruit, but those who are replenished with the most grace from God. Now who receives more grace than those who are united to his goodness as you are doing, bearing lovingly the duty which he has entrusted in you?”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


O God, when I am tempted to envy those who are more gifted than I am, help me to remember that your grace is sufficient for me and doesn’t depend upon human abilities.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Quote: August 23

 “Give some time every day, if it is only half an hour, to devotional reading, which is as necessary to the well-ordering of the mind as the hand of the gardener is to prevent the weeds from destroying your favorite plants.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


Lord, I need to be nourished by reading your inspired word to keep my spiritual life alive and well. Help me to make this a priority in my life.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Quote: August 22

 “Now if there ever was a good work, it is that of nursing the sick, so much so indeed that it surpasses all others in value.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac


Lord, whenever I am involved in any way with sick persons, whether at home or in the hospital, may I always see in them your image and treat them with great tenderness.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Quote: August 21

 “God makes the interests of the afflicted his own.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac


In union with you, Lord, I will take the core value of “advocacy for the poor” seriously and make the interest of the poor a real priority.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Quote: August 20

 “You must expect everything from his infinite goodness.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, you have told us to “ask and you shall receive.” I ask you now for all those graces of which I stand so much in need. You are my strength in weakness and I rely on you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Quote: August 19

 “The poor cannot be judged by their outward appearance, nor by their show of wit, for very often they do not look nor seem like intelligent beings, so rough and homely are they.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


O God, teach me to look beyond external appearances and find you in those who call on me for help.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Quote: August 18

 “Seek God in all things. In all your actions submit your motives to this unerring test: will this be approved by his all-seeing eye?”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


Even when I think my motives are the purest, I can still find a lot of self-gratification in things I do. Lord, today I will make an effort to consult you when I have important decisions to make.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Quote: August 17

 “God does not ask you to go beyond that means he has given you.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


O God, assist me today to use well the resources you give me for service to your poor ones.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Quote: August 16

 “If we wish to give satisfaction to our good God, we must not stop to consider what we would like to do, but rather what he wishes us to do. Our Lord will know where to find you when he intends to give you other work to do.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac


Lord, why is it I am sometimes dissatisfied with what I am doing and tempted to look for “greener pastures” elsewhere? Help me to prayerfully discern your will for me and then be content in following it.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Quote: August 15

 “Our Lord will counsel you what to do.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Where would I be, Lord, without your presence within me? You are always there, ready to counsel and guide me. All I have to do is ask!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Quote: August 14

“Our love of God is always opposed by our self-love, our love of one another by the miserable pride and pretension which creates jealousy, rash judgment and the pitiful dislikes and impatience which so often trouble us and wound charity.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


Expand my heart, Lord, that pettiness may have no place in my life nor cause the loss of charity among my family and community.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Quote: August 13

 “While we dilly-dally with our plans, God raises up others to do what he had first asked of us.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Sometimes, Lord, I am so prone to procrastinate, especially over unpleasant issues. Give me the courage to act today in one of those matters in my life.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Quote: August 12

 “Have patience, and have it in Our Lord who is pleased to try you.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, when I am tempted to be impatient with others or myself, fill me with the gentleness and compassion you always showed to those in need.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Quote: August 11

 “How good it is to trust God! Turn to him often, then, as children look to their father and mother in their needs.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac


In your sight, Lord, no situation or need of my life is trivial. Help me to remember I am never alone.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Quote: August 10

 “Whatever may happen, you must not fret but rise above it and remains in peace. No harm can befall you if God doe not will it; and if he permits it, it will be for a good end since, to those who serve Him, all things turn out for the best.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, help me to rise above disappointments. Don’t allow me to yield unless anxiety but in faith, believe that whatever happens will glorify you and help me to grow.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Quote: August 9

“Keep your heart at rest. Never can you find a surer way of obtaining all your desires than that of leaving all to God, who delights to grant the wishes even for this life, if you are full of confidence.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


Lord, you know the most secret desires of my heart. In peace, I offer them up to you, knowing that you will grant whatever is best for me.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Quote: August 8

“My greatest confidence is in God and not in human industry.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, when I rely on you, I am never disappointed. Thank you for your indwelling presence within me!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Quote: August 7

“We must submit to all that God wants from us and from those belonging to us; therefore, give yourself once more to Him to be entirely, with all that belongs to you, under the conduct of Divine Providence.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac


Lord, I offer to you all that I have and am, knowing your love for me is boundless and your Divine Providence will protect me from all harm.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Quote: August 6

“May God increase your strength, and may he make you share more and more in his spirit.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, no matter how busy my day, I will make space for reflective silence.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Quote: August 5

“To enjoy we must love; and to love we must sacrifice.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


Sometimes loving you, Lord, demands sacrifice. Grant me the strength to give without counting the cost.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Quote: August 4

“Our Lord, eternal and infinite, is the splendor of glory, the fountainhead and source of all grace and beauty.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, I will be content to rest in the shelter of your wings and sing your praises!

Monday, August 3, 2020

Quote: August 3

“Let us labor together at God’s work with great meekness and humility; these are solid virtues.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac


Contrary to what we may think, it takes a lot of strength to act with calm gentleness in the face of adversity. Help me to grow in the practice of meekness and humility and make them a part of my life, Lord.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Quote: August 2

“I beg Our Lord that he may be the object of your thoughts and the rule of your actions.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, you are the way, the truth and the life for me. I direct all my thoughts and actions to you.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Quote: August 1

“If we had even a tiny hint of this love, would we remain with our arms folded? Would we allow to perish those whom we could assist? Oh no, charity cannot remain inert and inactive.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul


Lord, the needs of the poor are so great. Today, I will find an opportunity to personally go out to someone in need.

Quote of the Day - December 20

  Quote of the Day - December 20:   God be praised that people say the Company knows the things of God but knows men very little (IV:57). ht...