Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Quote: April 28

“I am asking Our Lord that he himself lead you by the hand.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

As a parent gently leads a child on the right path, so you, Lord, lead me. I am grateful for the care you take of me and those in my charge.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Quote: Arpil 27

“As only a great necessity would make us decide to give remedies to a sick person in a violent attack or fever, so we should not generally reprove anyone at the very time they commit a fault.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Father, when I have been hurt, my first reaction is to retaliate. Teach me to forgive, even as you have forgiven me.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Quote: April 26

“Look up: the highest there were the lowest here and coveted most the poverty and humility which accompanied them and our Master every step of his suffering life.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Where I tend to take a narrow view of my situation and am overly concerned about success, I will remember that your life, Lord, gave all the appearance of failure. Give me a greater appreciation for the value cross in my life.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Quote: April 25

“Why should not your soul be filled with confidence since, by the mercy of Our Lord, you are his beloved daughter/son?”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Sometimes I fail to pray with the confidence of one who is beloved of God. Help me to claim my inheritance, Lord.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Quote: April 24

“Do not expect great things from anyone who does not know how to entertain himself with God.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, you know my heart even when I fail to listen to you. Perhaps my lack of progress is because I am not as faithful to prayer as I should be. Teach me how to pray.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Quote: April 23

“I do not think it expedient for you to relieve yourself by imparting your little annoyances to this one or that. A good stomach digests everything, while a delicate one ejects what it cannot endure. Oh, how good it is to keep our affairs between God and ourselves!”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

How tempting it is Lord, to overburden others with my complaints and negative feelings! Help me, today, to keep a positive attitude when speaking to those with whom I work or live.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Quote: April 22

“There is no state in the world that has not its bitterness and crosses, and which therefore does not make up desire to embrace some other condition.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Without the cross, there could be no resurrection. Lord, when I complain about my sufferings help me to remember that truth.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quote: April 21

“A fault may serve for our advancement when it serves to humble us.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

Lord, make me aware of the prejudice, jealousy and other faults to which I so often yield. I am humbled by your love for me in spite of these imperfections.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Quote: April 20

“Sickness is not an evil which we should fear, but a most efficacious means of sanctifying our souls. To murmur when God sends it, is to complain of his having done us good.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

When I am ill, I will do my best not to complain. Lord, teach me how to be patient and leave the outcome to you.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Quote: April 19

“The reward of sacrifice is peace.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Lord, every sacrifice has its price as well as its reward. Bless me with that peace of mind which comes from knowing nothing I do goes without your notice.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Quote: April 18

“The most glorious and desirable death is that which surprises us with arms in our hands for the service of the Lord.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, death will hold no fear for me if my days are spent serving you in whatever way your will is revealed to me.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Quote: April 17

“Night follows day, sadness follows joy and opposition public applause, in order that our souls may abide in God alone, who is above all change.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

Dear Lord, when I am surrounded by change and conflict I look to you as my rock of safety. In you is all my confidence.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Quote: April 16

“Humility is a virtue which Jesus Christs has exceedingly loved, and which he came to teach to the world. The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, you never deny a humble, contrite heart. Since humility is truth, teach me to recognize the good as well as the bad within me and be encouraged to change what needs changing.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Quote: April 15

“It would never do to have hearts and fortunes sink together.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

To fail at something without losing heart takes a lot of courage. I will pray for the grace to keep on forging ahead in spite of the obstacles I may encounter.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Quote: April 14

“Reputation is but an empty bubble when it is not founded on truth, and when established on this basis, it has nothing to fear.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, it isn’t easy to be totally honest and truthful in today’s world. Help me to value integrity more than gain of any sort.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Quote: April 13

“Who are we to believe that we should be exempt from public calamities? It is not reasonable that we should suffer with the rest?”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

O God, times of trouble are inevitable. How easy it is to forget that those times can be a source of growth if born patiently. Fill me with the trust and confidence I need to make it a positive experience.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Quote: April 12

“Each of our days is marked with the protection of Mary, who is exceedingly anxious to be our mother, when we desire to be her children.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Mary, you are such a powerful intercessor with your son, I commend to you today, all the most urgent needs and desires of my heart, knowing you will obtain for me what I need most.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Quote: April 11

“Why should others be more persistent in persuading me to trifles than I in adhering to that which I know is right?”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Sometimes, adhering to what I know to be a right course of action may require a great deal of courage and open me to criticism; at such times make me strong in resisting an easier course, Lord.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Quote: April 10

“Pride is a most pernicious vice, and the more to be dreaded as we are strongly inclined to it by nature.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, I thank you for loving and sustaining me in spite of my foolish pride which tempts me to believe I am better than others. Forgive this sin and help me to understand that others, too, are equally blessed by you.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Quote: April 9

“Be at peace and continue working as you have always done; the trouble you have already taken will not be lost. You know that after the rain comes the sunshine.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

Dear Lord, when there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel and all seems lost, make me feel your strength and the truth of your promise to be always with me. I believe in that promise!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Quote: April 8

“Affability and meekness are very powerful virtues in gaining souls to God.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Heavenly Father, today I will try to be pleasant and gentle with those who are suffering, remembering how patient and forgiving you are with me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Quote: April 7

“Continue to be an edification to the neighbor, the consolation of the afflicted and the solace of the sick.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

“The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and rescues those whose spirts are crushed.”
~ Psalms 34:18

Monday, April 6, 2020

Quote: April 6

“Condescension in evil or dangerous matters is not a virtue, it is a weakness and a disorder.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Be present, Lord, when my desire to be thought well of tempts me to take the easy way out and not challenge what I know is a wrong course of action. Give me the courage to do what is right.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Quote: April 5

“Your steadfastness of conduct will never injure you, even in the minds of those who act differently from you, for all will respect and esteem you more for persevering in what you known to be your duty.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Help me, Lord to remain at peace when I’ve done all I can do in a situation, knowing that you are always ready to support me.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Quote: April 4

“In order to acquire a solid habit of any virtue, it is necessary to form good resolutions on the particular acts of this virtue and be faithful in executing them.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, only you can give me the courage to change the things within me that need changing because your steadfast love for me is so great!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Quote: April 3

“When we think that we have done our duty well, we believe that we have earned some credit and we wait for a reward. However, Charity is gratuitous, it is its own reward.”

~ Rev. Joseph Jamet, CM

Lord, help me to understand the truth of these words and not expect personal recognition for everything I do.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Quote: April 2

“We cannot be guilty of an excess in true hope, which can never be too great because it is founded on the goodness of my God and the merits of Jesus Christ.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Dear Lord, when I am immersed in trouble and image the worst possible outcome, I will place all my trust in you.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Quote: April 1

“Your health is a gift of God, use it therefore with pleasure and joy for his love in the service of the poor.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

Lord, how precious is the gift of health and the strength it provides to do my work. I praise you for these gifts.

Quote of the Day - December 20

  Quote of the Day - December 20:   God be praised that people say the Company knows the things of God but knows men very little (IV:57). ht...