Friday, June 28, 2019

Quote: June 30

“Evil always leaves some impression on the soul, if we do not envelop ourselves in a cloak of prayer and humility … the great cedars fall.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

It is only through prayer that I can come to know myself and ask for the graces I need to overcome sin and temptation in my life. Gift me with the humility to see that I can do nothing good without you, Lord.”

Quote: June 29

“Looking up steadily spares the pain, both of retrospection and anticipation.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Lord, at times I am overwhelmed with guilt about my past actions and so filled with dread about the future, I am unable to move ahead in the here and now. Give me the grace to lay aside these negative thoughts and fill me with the confidence I need to deal with the present.

Quote: June 28

“Rash judgments are what Jesus most reproved in the Gospel.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, because I can never know the motives or interior struggles of another person, help me to avoid those thoughtless judgments I so often make about the actions of others. Forgive me for my failures in this regard.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Quote June 27

“One of the most powerful reasons to induce us to love God is the conviction we enjoy that he loves us.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

Blessed Lord, I am humbled every time I think of your unconditional love for me – a love that knows no limits. Help me extend that same love to others.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Quote: June 26

“Our happiness lies in the cross; even Our Lord did not will to enter His glory except through sufferings.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, I’ll never fully understand the mystery of suffering. All I ask is that you keep giving me the grace to use it well as a means of growth in your spirit.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Quote: June 25

“This union of my soul with God is my wealth in poverty and joy in deepest affliction.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

O God, see my poverty and have pity on me. Enable me to share freely the gifts you have given and find true contentment even in the middle of pain and sorrow.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Quote: June 24

“There are very few for so much work! Our Lord will have to labor with you!”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

When the volume of work overwhelms me and I am discouraged because of shortages of staff, remind me Lord, that it only takes a small piece of yeast to leaven dough, and you never ask more of me than I can give. Be with me to carry the load, my ever present Lord!”

Quote June 22 & 23

“I beg Our Lord that in his goodness he may animate you with his true Spirit.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, your love is so great it extends beyond all boundaries of human understanding. Enkindle in me a great desire to spread your kingdom to all those with whom I come in contact today.

“Continue to look after your sick and your little girls, in union with the care Our Lord took of the sick and little children – services which he strongly recommended to others. Life is short and great is the reward.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

In your lifetime, Lord, you showed your special love for the sick and children. Your example is my inspiration, as it was for St. Louise.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Quote: June 21

“What are our real trials? By what name shall we call them? One cuts out a cross of pride, another of causeless discontent, another one of restless impatience or punish fretfulness. But is the whole any better than children’s play if looked at with the common eye of reason, much more the pure eye of faith.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

When I compare my own crosses to those of others, Lord, mine appear so trivial against what I see others having to bear. Help me to see my crosses as opportunities for sharing in your passion and sufferings which paid the price of my redemption.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Quote for June 20

“Since God has entrusted to you the care of the family, he will impart to you the requisite qualities for the proper discharge of that duty. Let him act and do not be disturbed when things go against your wishes. Be particularly on your guard not to give pain to any one but be a consolation to all.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, leadership requires a special set of virtues when care of souls is involved. If that function is required of me, I beg you to endow me with the qualities of a true servant, always ready to listen and support those under my care.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Quote: June 19

“How fortunate you are to have such a large number of sick to look after! Oh how obvious it is that God loves you since he gives you so many opportunities of serving him! Continue to do this for love of him, with all the necessary gentleness, care and charity.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

Lord, I am grateful for all the opportunities you give me to show you compassion and love to the sick and those entrusted to my care.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Quote: June 18

“Our Lord will be your consolation; this I ask of him for you with all my heart.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

How comforting it is to know that in all the times of my life, the good and the bad, you are here and your presence brings peace and healing to my spirit.

Quote: June 17

“To correspond to the grace of the moment means a wonderful union between you and God all day.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

It is hard to comprehend how much you are concerned with all the details of my life, Lord. I will consult you often in the course of my day.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Quote: June 16

“The sufferings of Our Lord gave fecundity to His words, and your crosses will also give it to the holy seed you plant in hearts.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Create in me, Lord, a compassionate heart, softened and not embittered by the sufferings of my life.

Quote: June 15

“I beg of you to show the poor great affection.”

~ St. Louise de Marillac

True affection comes from respect for the whole person. Lord, grant that my service of the poor be rooted in reverence for the dignity of the human person, your special creation.

Quote: June 14

“The blessing of God rests more on humble beginnings than on those that are blazoned with glory.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, keep me content with the routine of my life and the simple satisfactions it brings.

Quote: June 13

“Fervor is a fire that makes things boil and grow hot, just as fire causes water to boil. It is, properly speaking, Charity on fire, and that is what you should have, because a Daughter without Charity is like a body without a soul.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

Fervor requires that I go out of my way, over and beyond what is ordinarily asked of me. In prayer I will ask you for this grace, Lord.

Quote: June 12

“Truth does not depend on the people around us or the place we are in.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Even though I value truth, yet there are occasions when I fail to live up to my ideals. Forgive these shortcomings and inspire me to do better in the future.

Quote June 11

“It is in silence that we can hear God speak to our hearts.”

~ St. Vincent de Paul

You speak to me, Lord, but often I can’t hear you because I don’t take time to listen in silence. I will plan to take time today for quite reflection.

Quote June 10

“Every good action is a grain of seed for eternal life.”

~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Time seems to fly by these days and now I am painfully aware of the missed opportunities for good I could have done. Help me to be less concerned about temporal matters and more about the things of the spirit.

Quote June 9

“Allow yourself to be led by his Fatherly love, for he does love us and is far from rejecting a righteous man; he will not even abandon a wicked man who hopes in his mercy.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Heavenly Father, the only thing I can be sure of is your love for me. Protect me and lead me as I go about my day.

Quote June 8

“Our good God knows how to knock the pride out of us.”
~ St. Louise de Marillac

Dear God, don’t let me become proud of complacent about my achievements. In everything, teach me to be humble and acknowledge that of myself I can’t do anything.

Quote: June 7

“The work of Our Lord is dependent less upon many workers, than upon the fidelity of the few he calls.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, you know my many human weaknesses and inability to do anything good without your help. Make me strong in faith and true to the vocation to which you have called me.

Quote: June 6

“It suffices that God sees our hearts.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, how painful it is to be misunderstood! At those times, instead of trying to justify myself I will remember your example and remain in peace.

Quote June 5

“You will help others more by the peace and tranquility of your heart than by any eagerness or care you can bestow on them.”
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Use me, Lord, as an instrument of your peace today. I want to extend your love to those I meet, especially those who are ill or grieving the loss of a loved one.

Quote: June 4

“Your patients need a share of your joy.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Today Heavenly Father, I will find occasions to relax and laugh so others may see the joy I feel in being with them.

Quote: June 3

Quote #1
“Charity is like a flame which soars aloft. When present in a soul, charity raises it aloft to God and draws God to it in such a way that if you could see the beauty of it, you would fall in love with it and be transported with astonishment.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, cause Charity to so inflame my heart that everything I do will be an act of love for you.

Quote #2

“When the Spirit of God dwells in souls, he delivers them from that weakness which makes them ask, “What will people say?”
~ St. Louise de Marillac

Deliver me, Lord, from being overly concerned about the opinions of others when the only important thing is to do what is right in your eyes.

Quote: May 31

Quote #1
“We should assist the Poor in every way and do it both by ourselves and by enlisting the help of others … to do this is to preach the gospel by word and by work.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, make my love for you be like a living flame which spreads itself to all in its path, its intensity transformed into loving care of your poor.

Quote #2

“The best ingredients of happiness are: order, peace and solitude.”
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Sometimes I look for happiness in the wrong places, Lord. Today I will think of ways to provide time for the solitude I need to recharge my spiritual “batteries” and reflect on my priorities.

Quote: May 30

Quote #1
“Picture to yourself that there are millions of souls with outstretched arms calling you!”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

The needs of the poor are so vast, it overwhelms me to think of who needs help the most. Instead of dwelling on what I an unable to do, Lord, inspire me with an awareness of the needs of those I meet today and what I can do to make a difference in their lives.

Quote #2
“…I think god gives you enough courage to make good use of all the slanders; provided he be not offended, what do you care?”
~ St. Louis de Marillac

It is painful to know someone hates or dislikes me. At those times, Lord, make me strong enough to forgive unconditionally as you would have me do.

Quote: May 28

Quote #1
Forgive me, Father, for the times I’ve made a big show of things, forgetting that the good I do needs only to be seen by you.

“God always blesses humble beginnings more than those that make a big stir!”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Forgive me, Father, for the times I’ve made a big show of things, forgetting that the good I do needs only to be seen by you.

Quote #2

“I see that faith is a gift of God to be diligently sought and earnestly desired, and groan to him for it in silence, since our Savior says I cannot come to him unless the Father draws me. “
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton                             

When my daily agenda is too full and a multitude of noisy distractions surround me, it is hard to hear your invitation to come apart and rest in you. Be with me as I once more reorder my priorities. With you, nothing else matters.

Quote: May 24

Quote #1
“It is an obligation for us to inconvenience ourselves for the service of the Poor.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Sometimes the poor can be very demanding and want their needs met at the most inconvenient times. When these situations arise, remind me, Lord, that I am their servant.

Quote #2

“ … to give of one’s means is nothing if one does not give oneself, and employ every moment of one’s life, and even expose it to danger for the love of God, in serving the poor.”
~ St. Louise de Marillac

Lord, you have been so generous to me. Show me how to serve without counting the cost.

Quote: May 24

“How can we live an interior life until some of our natural rubbish is removed?”
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Lord, I want to be whole. Heal whatever in me is broken. In spite of the pain I sometimes feel in my life, I appreciate the freedom you give me to experience it and still place all my trust in you.

May 23 Quote

“The more you give to Our Lord, the more blessings you will receive. His yoke is sweet to him who embraces it willingly.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Today, Lord, in thanksgiving for your many blessings, I will find a little time to spend with a lonely or forgotten person.

Quote: May 22

“Do not overburden yourself with rules and practices; strengthen yourself to fulfill well those you have, especially regards your daily actions and employments; in short, let your greatest concern be to do well what you do.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, sometimes my days are so hectic. I need your guidance in my decision making so that what I do is really necessary and for your glory and not my own.

Quote May 21

“If only we had courage, we will go to heaven on horseback instead of idling and creeping along.”
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

I will pray today for fortitude, that wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit, which will enable me to overcome whatever stands in the way of my union with God and service to others.

Quote: May 20

“A grain of charity suffices to calm many anxieties and ease many differences.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Heavenly Father, when the opportunity to be a peacemaker comes my way, help me to accept it and show your love equally to those with opposing views.

Quote: May 18

Quote #1
“Gently and imperceptibly, the angels inspire us to do good and then leave us perfectly free to do it or not.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

I am grateful, Lord, for those countless promptings to do good which come my way and the loving protection of your angels.

Quote #2
“You see a great deal of distress that you are unable to relieve. God sees it also. Bear the pains of the poor together with them, doing all you can to give them whatever help they need, and remain in peace.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, when I feel overwhelmed by the distress I an unable to relieve, help me to feel your presence and realize You are well aware of those needs and provide me with the direction I need.

Quote: May 17

“We must learn the hard lesson of submission; and once this has been accomplished, everything that comes after will be rendered easy.”
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Why do I find it so hard to completely turn my life over to you, Lord? Drive away from the fear of what you might ask of me and replace it with the peace that only comes from a total gift of self to you.

Quote: May 16

“Those whom you serve should feel the efforts of your kindheartedness.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, let the great love I know you have for me, shine through my actions so others may experience your great loving compassion.

Quote: May 15

“Our good God wishes that all which is past remain in oblivion. The only thing you have to do is make good use of the present, but you must ask this grace of him.”
~ St. Louise de Marillac

How wonderful it is to know that I am forgiven so completely by you, Lord! Teach me to forgive others without holding on to resentment or bitterness.

Quote: May 14

“Our Lord is a perpetual Communion to those who are united to His will.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, I want to do your will. Show me what you want of me this day and give me the grace to do it.

Quote: May 13

“God is with us, and if sufferings abound in us, his consolations also greatly abound and far exceed an utterance.”
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Father, you surround me with so man marks of your special care. Never let me be so overcome with self-pity that I neglect to thank you for what you constantly do for me.

Quote: May 12

Quote #1
“Blessed Guardians – be watchful. Help us to use well the grace of the moment in the care and instruction of the little ones under our charge. Watch over them with us.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Heavenly guardian angels, keep watch over our families and especially the children. Let no harm come to them or those committed to our care.

Quote #2
“Free your mind of anything that troubles you; God will take care of it.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, I put all my trust in you, knowing that whatever worries me can never be totally frightening because you are there with me.

Quote: May 10

Quote #1
“How good it is to trust God! Turn to Him often, then, as children look to their father and mother in their need.”
~ St. Louise de Marillac

Dear God, I believe in You and place all my confidence in You, believing that my trust will never be confounded.

Quote #2
“A charitable word is all that is sometimes necessary to convert an obdurable heart. In like manner one bitter word is capable of afflicting a soul and plunging it into a sadness that may be most injurious.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, help me to recognize the good in others and try to win them to you with kindness and encouragement.

Quote: May 6

Quote #1
“We should delay for several hours, and reflect well in the presence of God, before we correct by reproof, especially when the fault is great and the person is little disposed to receive correction.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, be with me when I have to reprove anyone. Keep far from me a self-righteous attitude, realizing that I, too, am a sinner.

Quote #2
“Into whatsoever state of blindness or obscurity I may fall, in whatever ignorance of God’s ways I may chance to be, if I seek out God in the simplicity of my heart, I will surely find him.”
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Lord, I know you will not despise a contrite, sincere heart. I only want to love and praise you for your great goodness to me, today and all the days of my life.

Quote #3

“We should read good and useful books, and abstain from reading those that only gratify our curiosity.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Help me, Lord, to be more discriminating in my reading and exposure to media. I don’t want my senses to be loaded with what is useless, that I can’t hear you speaking to me.

Quote #4

“Do it all in God’s way.”
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Those close to you, Lord, know the peace which comes from completely abandoning themselves to your Divine Providence. Teach me how to do this as I move through the hours and days of my life.

Quote: May 3

“It is well to suffer patiently and await the hour of God in the most trying affairs.”
~ St. Louise de Marillac

Lord, it is so hard for me to “endure patiently” when what I have worked so hard to build is in danger of failing. At those times of crisis, let me take your hand in faith, believing you will see me through.

Quote: May 2

“Mortification in eating is the alphabet of a spiritual life; and they who do not know how to subdue their gluttony will find it no easy matter to triumph over other vices which are much more difficult to conquer.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Father, I am ashamed to admit how often I show no restraint when it comes to wanting the best in food and drink. Teach me to discipline myself, taking only what I really need.

Quote: May 1

“Begin again today; what is lost must not cause dejection; what is gained will be lost if you do not begin afresh as if nothing had been done.”
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Heavenly Father, I am grateful for this new day. Nothing can bring back yesterday and tomorrow isn’t here yet. In spite of regret for my past failures, I will not let this keep me from making a new start. Give me the courage I need to do this.

Quote: April 30

“We should watch over the interests of others as well as we do our own, and be careful to act on every occasion, with uprightness and fidelity.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Today, I will be careful to treat others as I myself want to be treated. Be with me Lord, when I am tempted to excuse my negligence to the detriment of others.

Quote: April 29

Quote #1
“Look up: the highest there were the lowest here and coveted most the poverty and humility which accompanied them and our Master every step of his suffering life.”
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

When I tend to take a narrow view of my situation and am overly concerned about success, I will remember that your life, Lord, gave all the appearance of failure. Give me a greater appreciation for the value of the cross in my life.

Quote #2
“As only a great necessity would make us decide to give remedies to a sick person in a violent attack of fever, so we should not generally reprove anyone at the very time they commit a fault.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Quote #3
Father, where I have been hurt, my first reaction is to retaliate. Teach me to forgive, even as you have forgiven me.

“I am asking Our Lord that he himself lead you by the hand.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

As a parent gently teaches a child on the right path, so you, Lord, lead me. I am grateful for the care you take of me and those in my charge.

Quote #4
“May God be pleased to preserve you in perfect health and in that close union in which, by virtue of the Holy Spirit, you live together.”
~ St. Louise de Marillac

Lord, peace and harmony are truly heavenly virtues. Grant me these blessings for my family and always be present in its midst.

Quote: April 26

“Look up: the highest there were the lowest here and coveted most the poverty and humility which accompanied them and our Master every step of his suffering life.”
~ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

When I tried to take a narrow view of my situation and am overly concerned about success, I will remember that your life, Lord, gave all the appearance of failure. Give me a greater appreciation for the value cross in my life.

Quote: April 25

“Why should not your soul be filled with confidence since, by the mercy of Our Lord, you are his beloved daughter/son?”

Sometimes I fail to pray with the confidence of one who is beloved by God. Help me to claim my inheritance, Lord.

Quote: April 24

“Do not expect great things from anyone who does not know how to entertain himself with God.”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

Lord, you know my heart even when I fail to listen to you. Perhaps my lack of progress is because I am not as faithful to prayer as I should be. Teach me how to pray.

Quote: April 23

“I do not think it expedient for you to relieve yourself by imparting your little annoyances to this one or that. A good stomach digests everything, while a delicate one ejects what it cannot endure. Oh, how good it is to keep our affairs between God and ourselves!”
~ St. Vincent de Paul

How tempting it is Lord, to overburden others with my complaints and negative feelings! Help me, today, to keep a positive attitude when speaking to those with whom I work or live.

  Quote of the Day Mar 10, 2025  |  Quote of the Day   This life is full of annoyances and troubles both of mind and of body; it is a state ...